Hello world, I am Paschalis

Originally from Greece, I have spent the past few years living abroad and am currently based in the south of Spain where I am pursuing my PhD studies.

Since my masters, I am situtated in the interdisciplinary field of ecology. I find fascinating to attempt to explain natural processes/observations using mathematics and modeling. My research focuses on ecological coupling, and I am trying to find ways to detect ecosystem changes due to global change, using spatial and network analysis. I am interested in the effects of global change on plant communities and ecosystem functioning.

As an emerging researcher, I am dedicated to the principles of public, free, and accessible education for all. I strive to uphold this commitment by openly sharing the components of my research, including data and R-scripts, to contribute to the collective knowledge of the scientific community and beyond.

I love orchids, hiking, cooking and politics. When not doing science, I am probably trying to improve my coding skills, reading a book, or enjoying a cold beer.